A DAY IN THE LIFE... Our Brand Ambassador, James Harvey gives us a little insight.
A Day in the Life – Brand Ambassador for Nuevo Staffing

Hi, I’m James.
Recently new to join the wonderful team of Brand Ambassadors working for Nuevo Staffing, but not in the least bit new to the promo industry as a whole. It was with excitement then that I decided to expand my network of promotional agencies, and register with Nuevo for upcoming work.
Though I’m full time employed during the week as a stop-motion animator, I have really come to enjoy the world of promotional work and embrace the flexibility and variety of interesting work it provides. It gets me out of the house at weekends, allows me to meet new and exciting people, and gives me a nice little financial top up too! Because my work during the week is somewhat antisocial (standing in a dark room all day moving tiny puppets by infinitesimally small amounts), the biggest joy for me however has to be interacting with the public, allowing my more confident and lively nature to shine through.
My first shift with Nuevo I was on my way up to Westfield Shopping Center in London to hand out leaflets and balloons for a collaboration between a major mobile network and one of the UKs leading travel agents, promoting their new #FlamingoRoam campaign and competition.

I met my Team Leader Zoë outside the shop and we both immediately clicked. A great working relationship with your fellow colleagues is something which I find most important during any campaign as it really increases the dynamic of your performance and adds a little element of friendly competitiveness to the day which really helps boost customer engagement. Further, it keeps your morale up during the slow periods of the day where otherwise your attention might start to lag!
We both checked in with Nuevo via text, and then signed in with the store manager who had been expecting us and was excited to launch the promotional campaign. We got stuck in straight away blowing up hundreds of balloons (sore fingers from tying all those knots!) and then began our leafleting.
It was a hot day... really hot. The hottest week of the year in fact. Standing under a glass causeway outside certainly didn’t help our predicament. On the positive side, we were never short on customers! The whole of London had turned out to shop that day, resulting in high levels of engagement with the public, and lots of fun interactions - most notably with parents and children as we handed them balloons, much to their delight. On the down side... wearing all black and standing outside all day did take its toll after a while. Sun cream is a must on hot days, as is plenty of water, and me and Zoë made sure we took turns covering the front of the store as the other of us hydrated.
It was a long but rewarding shift with a steady stream of customers. Zoë was a fantastic Team Leader who was attentive to the campaign’s sales targets and brand messages, but never overbearing nor demanding of the unreasonable, as some Team Leaders are prone to.
The highlights of the campaign were definitely the customer interactions with the props which were provided for the Twitter contest. Entrants had to perform their best Flamingo Strut and upload their photo or video online for the chance to win £5000 in holiday vouchers. For the occasion, Thomas Cook had provided a large inflatable flamingo, which provided a lot of hilarious fun for the customers as they pranced around the store! The campaign ran over a weekend, so we were back the next day to do it all over again. Sunday was a lot calmer, but no less hot!

-And that concluded my first shift with Nuevo. Definitely one of their stand out working practices is to pay on the last day of the month, regardless of when you work during that same month. This sets them apart immediately from other agencies that usually pay in arrears at the end of the following month! My travel expenses were easy to submit and I was paid promptly, and the team I talked to on the phone at the beginning of the shift were very friendly and happy to accommodate my questions.
I’d recommend Nuevo to any potential Brand Ambassadors looking to book with an agency, especially if they are newcomers. It’s the perfect introduction into the world of promotional work, and an agency I hope I can continue to work for in the future.
To see some of James's animation work please click the following links: